Sunday, February 2, 2014

I am Alive!

Wow! I cannot believe how long it has been since I posted! I have written blog posts in my head countless times, but always at the most inconvenient times. In the shower, on my drive home, and basically anytime a computer is not easily accessible. Blame it on being a first year teacher, a grad student, or just being so amazingly overwhelmed whenever I stop to reflect on my life this year. It has truly been the most difficult 6 months of my life thus far. Each day is a new adventure, and I would already do so much differently than I have done this year already. 

One of my new year's resolutions was to start blogging. As you can see, I have not done well with that yet. But no more! My goal is one post a week. I can tear myself away from Downton Abby for 30 minutes on a Saturday night and reflect on my week. So here I am! 

Of everything I have done thus far this year, my favorite thing is stamina reading time. We aren't supposed to do stations at my school, so sadly I cannot do a regular Daily 5 rotation, but we do spend about 10-13 minutes a day doing stamina reading. Usually it is when I need a few minutes to prep a lesson or just sit down. My students can read any book at their desk (they should have 3 books and their reader) and are supposed to stay reading the entire time. It too all of last semester to get to 10 minutes, but I know that they love stamina time and so do I! Sometimes I watch them, sometimes I sit in the front of the room and model what I expect them to do, and sometimes I prep. What I love the most is how much they love this time! I don't require them to journal about the reading or answer comprehension questions, it is just a time to read for enjoyment. On Friday one of my boys was reading a science book of gross experiments. It may not have been high quality reading nor was he reading every word. However, he was totally engaged in the book and begged to keep reading. As a book lover myself, I love to hear my students beg for just "one more minute" with their book! 

Apparently, one I start writing, I can't stop! So I will move on past my lengthy story and go straight to my favorite part of the new month, doing Currently with Farley from Oh' Boy 4th Grade!

listening - This is just a very sad Super Bowl. My friends are mostly Broncos' fans, so there is a lot of unhappy mumbling going on right now. 

loving - I usually drink iced coffee in the morning, but it is hard to use regular coffee because it isn't strong enough for a lot of milk. Then I was trying to do it myself, but didn't have a good way to strain the coffee. Enter Christmas presents! The Toddy cold brew coffee maker is amazing! Great flavor, easy to use, and simple clean up. 

thinking - Even writing this post makes me realize how much I miss blogging. I really do want to get back into the routine! 

wanting - We have had crazy cold weather in the south this year! Right now it is raining and 33 degrees. Cold enough to make the day miserable, but not cold enough to cancel school. I could use a day to finish Feb planning. 

needing- Being a first year teacher is busy enough! Add full-time grad student and you have a gal in despite need of a time turner! 

2 truths and 1 fib
1. Nope! I despise tomatoes! I also realize I spelled it wrong, my bad! I will eat tomatoes mixes with other things, like salsa or tomato sauce. But if I can pick out tomato pieces, I will!
2. Yep! Memphis, TN is actually the farthest north I have ever lived. I have spent most of my life in Texas.
3. Yep! One of my sweet parents nominated me for the WREG Memphis Teacher of the Week! They came and filmed us last week and it aired all this week. I was so surprised and honored! 

There you have it! A drive-by look at my live, and the promise of more. Don't forget to check out more from Farley