Friday, February 20, 2015

100s Day and Valentines Fun

They say as you get older, time seems to go faster. I hope that I am peeking at 23, because time is going too fast! This year still has plenty of challenges, but is going so much more smoothly than last year! I am so much more confident and creative. I am also almost done with my MEd! I finished my thesis and just have to finish the class I am in, then I am done! I am excited to finish an really be able to focus on teaching. 
Recently I have fallen in love with Instagram. It is so easy to post a quick picture and continue with my day! But I would like to try to get back into to the blogging swing. While waiting for me to (finally) blog, you can always see my latest pics by following me

We had such a blast on 100's day! We have about a hour and fifteen minutes between specials and the end of the day, which is the perfect time for fun. Our morning was pretty routine, but after specials we got to work! Each pair got 100 of something and had to make arrays, skip count by 2s, 4s, 5s, 10s, and measure the length of our items using feet and inches. 

Measuring cubes.

These cuties were very into making their line as straight as possible. 

Sorting pennies into groups of five. 

Counting dice! 

Making groups of four. 

After we finished measuring, I brought out the goldfish! Each group had to estimate how many goldfish they had, then count their fish and see if their estimate was close. 

We tried and failed to take a nice picture, so silly picture it is! School spirit dress out day and fun activities was the perfect way to celebrate! 

The next day we were back to uniform, but still having fun. We have been learning about arctic animals, so we had to try blubber out for ourselves! I had bags of crisco for everyone to put their hands in, but at the end of the experiment, the birthday boy asked if we could cover his hand in the "blubber", and I couldn't refuse! 

Our next big day was Valentines day. We were not allowed to have parties this year, so instead we had fun with conversation heart math and science. It went really well! The kids had a blast and were sad when the day ended. 
Graphing candy hearts. Notice her improvisation for a pencil with no eraser. 

So focused! 

We also tried stacking our hearts to see how how we could stack. It is an adorable freebie from Sweet Integrations

This sweetie is stacking, and you can also see the cups in the middle. We did an experiment with candy hearts in vinegar, water, sprite, and mouthwash. We made notes about the first minute, twenty minutes, and forty minutes. They were amazed! My recording sheet can be found here

The joy of learning! 

Again here you can see stacking and the cups. Lots of learning and lots of fun! 

Two of my favorite little cuties. I love both of their reactions to her stack! 

We continue our inability to simply smile for a picture. I guess it is the age! 

I was absolutely astounded by the outpouring of love from my students and former students! Their generosity was so humbling. I teach in an impoverished area, so I know it took a lot for some of these families to buy gifts. So touching! 

Today is yet another snow day. We only went to school one day this week. It has been nice to have a surprise February break! As a Texas girl, this cold and ice has been quite a shock! Thank goodness I have been able to spend most of this cold weather inside with coffee and a book. Now I am ready to get back into the classroom to see these precious faces! 

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