Monday, April 1, 2013

April Currently

Happy Easter! It was a whirlwind of a weekend and now it is time to get back to work and head to the finish line. I graduate mid-May and can't believe how fast it is coming! I am so excited to teach but so sad to leave my undergrad.

As I build up this little blog, I am quickly realizing how poor my knowledge of design is. Any advice? I really am clueless on how to design a blog or anything for TPT. I am trying to work on learning, but it is much harder than I though it would be. Perseverance!

I have been following Farley over at Oh Boy 4th Grade for some time now and have always enjoyed reading the Currently posts. Now that I have a blog, I can finally participate. So here is my April currently.

Like I said, heat has come to Texas! It was in the 30's last weekend, but that is long gone. My air conditioning isn't great in my room, so I need to get used to the sound of a fan again. 

If you are in Texas then you know what time of year it is...STAAR testing! My student teaching class is taking their writing tests this week. I wish I could do more to calm their poor nerves! To all teachers doing STAAR testing and other standardized tests this week, best of luck to you and your kids! 


  1. Kate,
    I found your blog through Farley's Linky Party! Congratulations about almost being finished with school and to the world of blogging. I am relatively new to blogging as well. There is so much to learn. I understand your pain :) I make lots of stuff in powerpoint. I used to be a Word girl, but converted to Powerpoint at the suggestion of another blogger. Now, I love it and it's freedom to move things around!

    Mrs. Holder’s First Grade

    1. It is amazing the freedom that powerpoint has over word! Thanks for the tip. :)

  2. Hi Kate,
    Congratulations on already having a job lined up after graduation! Setting up and planning for a new classroom is the best! And oh... the shopping!!!!
    Enjoy this exciting time in your life!
    I found you through Farley's linky and I am your first follower!

    Sommer Pride

    1. Thank you so much! I am pretty excited. Yay, my first follower!

  3. Hi there! Thanks so much for stopping by! Congratulations on getting your own second grade class! That's so exciting! You're off to a great start. Your blog is looking great already. As for design tips, I don't really have any yet. Mine has been completely by trial and error. I've been using Powerpoint to create banners / avatars, and then I save them as a jpeg and upload that way. Hope that helps! I am your second "official" follower! Best of luck to you, and I hope you will stop by my blog again! I'm sure we could swap some great ideas!

    Making Lemonade in Second Grade

  4. Hi Kate!
    Congrats on getting a 2nd grade position and good luck with the blogging world. I have been blogging for awhile but could sure use some advice also. I would have liked to have more followers by now but am working on it. I believe commenting on other peoples blogs help that greatly; something I try to do but could be better at it. My design is from blogger, so I can't really help there. I have been playing around with my style of writing though. Trying to make it less blah blah blah and more entertaining. We shall see!
    Found you through Farley's Currently and am your newest follower. Looking forward to hearing some fresh ideas from a new teacher like you :)

  5. Oh- BTW...
    Here in Missouri, we have had nonstop cold weather and TONS of snow. Not a fan of humidity but SOOOO ready for spring. Kind of jealous of your warm weather. lol

  6. Yum, yum... Sweet tea! Such a cute blog name. :) How exciting that you already know what grade you'll be teaching next year! Good luck as you finish out your semester!

    Second Grade Sparkle

  7. Just came over from Farley's blog where Isaw your blogname. I stopped by to enjoy some sweet tea and decided to follow your blog. My blog started as a result of a tech class on blogging. I've figured out some things by trial and error (emphasis on ERROR), some things from YouTube, and also by asking questions of other bloggers. There are LOTS of helpful folks out in the blogworld. Stop by mine and see what you think.

