Sunday, August 3, 2014

Currently August

Where did the summer go? My school started in-service last Monday and we had a meet the teacher day yesterday. This week the K3-K5 have a staggered return and then my kiddos come back the 11th. I'm so glad I still have a week left! Last week was all about meetings and classroom setup, so this week is focused on prepping for the first few weeks of school. I was sad to see my summer cut a little short, but am grateful to have a full week to focus on curriculum.  

Since it is the beginning of the month, it is time to link up with Farley from Oh' Boy 4th Grade

Gilmore Girls is my favorite show of all time. I have watched every season several times, and I still love it!

I spent all of last week setting up my room. I am in the same room again, so I was able to leave a few things up over the summer. Although I am sticking with the same theme, I think the room looks a lot different this year, but I love it! Much more practical and streamline. Look for a classroom reveal soon. 

I have wanted to start Daily 5, but have been apprehensive about starting it this year. Last year the only piece I really did was building reading stamina. Hopefully I can really get it off the ground this year! 

I am so excited for this back to school sale on TPT. I have a full cart and wish I could get more! It is truly amazing all of the wonderful resources teachers have created. 

Although I am in second grade again this year and will be teaching the same core subjects, my school is playing with the idea of rotating our afternoons to teach science, social studies, vocabulary, and religion. I am fine with the way we did it last year or this new way, I just want to know so I can start planning! 

First Day
Teachers started last Monday (7/28) with a full week of meetings and classroom work. Our lower grades come back this week for testing, and then we go with a full schedule on August 11th. 

Have a great week! Don't forget to check with Farley for more currently fun! 


  1. Wow! You're already back to work. I'm sure you got out of school earlier than I! I love TPT too and would love a lot of money to spend on there!

  2. I too love to watch Gilmore Girls...I stop and watch it anytime I come across it on TV. Same as you I had to be back on the 28th & I love my classroom set up. My tables (I teach 6th grade - Jr. High) are formed in an E shape with an office area set up around my desk so I can do individual couselling & reinforcement with my kiddos.

    Good luck on the new school year!!

  3. I implemented the Daily 5 two years ago when I taught a 1/2 split. I loved it and the kids did as well. Jump in! You'll love it in the end! Have a great start to the school year!
    Enchanting Elementary
