I found this awesome linky today all about focusing on the good! So I'm linking up with Rowdy in First Grade to share one good thing from home and from school. Head over and link up!

From Home
I got to talk to my little sister today! Living five hours (soon to be ten hours!) away from home is really hard sometimes. I have loved college and am so excited to move to Tennessee, but I know I will miss my family. I come from a close-knit large family that spends a lot of time together, so I like to stay connected. My Mom calls every couple of days, but I don't often talk to my Dad or siblings. But my sister is a senior in high school and we don't have enough girl talk! It was great getting to catch up with her, we don't do it nearly often enough.
From School
Another great thing about today (I promise good things happened the rest of the week) is that I got to see my student teaching kids. I am on the sub list for the district, although I can only sub on the days I don't have classes. I went to my student teaching school this morning thinking I was going to be in third grade, but ended up with my kids for the afternoon. My supervising teacher was in meetings, so the kids and I made posters about earth day and started to re-decorate the room after testing. They were thrilled to see me and it was so nice to spend time with them. I can't believe how much some have changed in just two months! That 5th grade attitude is coming out for some of the kiddos. My favorite part was that while we were working, a kid would occasionally just get up to come hug me. Too sweet! I promised I would go see them again one more time before I leave.
It is so nice to focus on positives of a week instead of dwelling on the negative or just trying to forget the week all together! Check out Rowdy in First for more good weeks!